Stripey Sunday



The light level was low and I had to zoom in to get the camera to register those amazing stripes but this is the amazing sky that we saw as we glanced out of our window last night!

Strange World


the world
is full
of strange things

perambulating socks
unable to remain in their fixed abode

ambient fruit

an exotic substance
dwelling in aisle 29
at my sister’s supermarket

more commonly known
tins of fruit

should we
consider the sign
a warning

“ambient fruit spreads”

Rare Citing

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How exCITING! I’ve been cited!!!

If you happen to flick through “Creative Careers in Crafts” by Susan Joy Sager on page 17 you will see my name and the title of my one published book. Of course, she adds nonchanantly, it’s not the first time I’ve been cited in print. The internationally respected textile historian, Lesley Jackson, referred to my dissertation “Something Fresher – An Introduction to the 1950s Textiles of Mary White ” in an endnote on page 218 of her book, “Twentieth Century Pattern Design”.

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Makes me feel almost grown-up!