On Top of the World

Godolphin Hill has always had a magical sound to it but so far we have never ventured up its slopes. This week we decided to go for it at the beginning of our week in Cornwall rather than risking being rained off towards the end of the week.

Once you reach the top you can see see both the north AND south coasts of Cornwall. And in case you are wondering, no we didn’t find a Cornish Pisky sitting on a stone on the summit, this is our daughter who is recuperating from a broken collarbone. The one-armed climb tired her out so much that we are having a lazy day today, or rather she is and I am doing some gardening which is more or less stationary but provided a bit of a work-out as I had to carry 3 big bags of compost from the car, across the car park and along the patio.

We popped into the local last night and shared a table with people from Newyln and Mousehole. They have recommended that our next Cornish ascent should be Trencrom