It’s cold oop north …

… or so I have been told. TLM (The Loom Monkey) saw the quilt I had made for MLD (My Little Darling) and proceeded to tell me why he needed a quilt more than her. Having put the finishing touches to MLD’s red, black and white quilt while we were on holiday in Cornwall I had to immediately start work on TLM’s so that he can take it back to Durham with him for year 2.

I tried to use fabric I had already so the plain fabrics were from my stash and I spent real money on the patterned purple for the sashing and borders. I didn’t quilt it much because I quite like the puffy look. I quilted through the middle of each sashing strip and in the ditch between each coloured panel.

The quilt is not as big as MLD’s which would easily do for a double bed but having run out of room in the car when we brought TLM home I think restraining the size of it is a good idea. What it lacks in size it makes up for in brightness.