Booker Prize Congratulations

Congratulatuons to Anne Enrightfor winning The man Booker Prize last night with her novel “Gatherings”.To my knowledge I have not read any of those shortlisted or even entered for this literary award. I’m never very up to date with my reading as I tend to acquire books from  charity shops and jumble sale. It is likely that any book acquired this way has already been read by someone but probably not loved so much that they couldn’t bear to part with it. Or of course there is the distinct possibility that they are just a very tidy, organised person and stick  to that scary rule of “one in – one out”. The third, sad possibility is that they are dead and someone has hurled their personal  possessions wholesale at the local Oxfam outlet.

2 Responses to “Booker Prize Congratulations”

  1. dovegreyreader Says:

    And now you’ve won one!

  2. Wulwjkwp Says:

    QyEKoA comment6 ,

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