The Elegance of the Hedgehog

What a title! What on earth can the book be about? If I’m honest I don’t really care. With a title like that I know that sooner or later I will will have to read it. The book is published by Gallic Books a publisher I have never heard of but already i am tempted to see what else has been put out into the world by them. So far, and before I have even seen it or held it in my hands, this book has gained two points, Firstly it has a title that intrigues, secondly it has a cover that is more than acceptable and probably as elegant as the spiny one that it contains, I think that before long I will have to get my hands on this volume and I have a feeling that it will jump towardds the top of the TBR pile. If you are as intrigued by the title as I was then you can read the beginning of the book on Gallic’s website.

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