Cosy Times

I’d been wanting to have a felting session every since my Sunday with Dawn down at Dorking with felting queen Gillian Harris. On Saturday I was determined that nothing should get in my way and here is the result. the design is from Gill’s new book and despite my husband thinking it is a jellyfish it is actually a cupcake. This has been made as a present for someone and so I can’t say any more.

4 Responses to “Cosy Times”

  1. Dawn Says:

    That is lovely! Good work…and look….it isn’t green or orange… proud of you!!!! smile.

  2. Kari Says:

    I adore your blog – every time I visit I want to stroke my computer screen. This is beautiful and quite the most delicious cup cake I have ever seen.

    I replied to your comment in my blog about altering books – basically, it is recycling old books that would have otherwise been destroyed. As a book lover, that seems a fitting memorial – I belong to a few groups of people that do that and the common factor amongst us all is a massive love of books – funny, eh?

    Kari x

  3. Lisa Guidarini Says:

    I knew it was a cupcake right away! A jellyfish, fooey.

  4. WeightyTome Says:

    Not a toadstool, then? Heh heh.

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