Ear Worms

Do you suffer from ear worms? I do and the only way to get rid of one is to introduce a new one into your head. Unfortunately sometimes the replacement worm can be more intrusive than the one it replaced. My colleague with the long-distance German girlfriend alerted me to the name of my affliction. In Germany those little bits of songs that you can’t get out of your head are called colloquily called “ohrwurm” or EAR WORMS. Yesterday it was a phrase from a song at the end of a film that I watched with my daughter, consequently my head was full of “let me play you a waltz”. I’m hoping for a remission today, or at least an intermission

2 Responses to “Ear Worms”

  1. Harriet Says:

    Good lord yes — frightfully! But I never knew they had a name. Mine can go on for days. Very irritating, even if it is a tune you love. It’s usually not, though, for some reason — once I’d mentioned Three Coins in a Fountain to you t’other day, I had that rather dreary song going round for a while.

  2. ann Says:

    So have you been ‘Miss Potter’-ed…..let me teach you how to dance………la, la, la,la, la, la, laaaa…..lovely film…..and lovely blog….my daily fix now!

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