Girly trio


Isn’t it fun rummaging around all those old pics ? Pull the lever on my photo fruit machine and what do you get? Whirrrrr, spin , clunk. Is it three cherries …or three lemons?

Left to right, my mother (c. 1945) me (c.1977), my daughter (c.2006)

4 Responses to “Girly trio”

  1. Harriet Says:

    How pretty you all are! But funny that you are so dark and sandwiched between two blondes. Mind you, when my daughter and I stand side by side in front of the mirror I always think we look like two different races (me little, dark, olive skin, she tall, blonde, fair skin).

  2. craftypeople Says:

    My mother wasn’t a blonde, more mid-brown with a tinge of chestnut.

  3. Lisa Guidarini Says:

    I can see the resemblence. Very nice photos!

  4. dovegreyreader Says:

    Lovely pics Ruth, the daughter’s hair doesn’t look at all purple there, or was it green?

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