Harry and Hermione Have a Lovely Day

The academic year is over and it’s time for Harry Potter (alias The Loom Monkey) to return south.

But first he has to show Hermione (alias My Little Darling) around Durham

From Prebends Bridge that iconic view of the towers of Durham Cathedral

The sanctuary knocker

and those summer daisies that always add a magical touch to a graveyard

6 Responses to “Harry and Hermione Have a Lovely Day”

  1. lolita Says:

    did you kidnap buzz from spennymoor on your way home??


  2. Simon T Says:

    Looks nicer weather than down here in rainy Oxford!

  3. Simon T Says:

    Me again!

    Just going round the blogs telling people to enter my BAFAB draw :-) Or, if you’re having trouble with the comments, just email me.

    Hope all is well Sx

  4. Johan Says:


    Where is this “dragon knocker” exactly located ? Is it in the cathedral ?
    It is close ? I would like to see it in real :)

    Thanks a lot


  5. Gregory Marler Says:

    Johan, the sanctuary knocker is on the North door of the cathedral, the main entrance from Palace Green (you can’t miss it if you walk to go in the cathedral).

    Map (the path to the door goes past the music building): http://osm.org/go/evn8FOo_V–

  6. Johan Says:

    THanks you very much ! That’s very helpful :)

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