Is the grass greener on someone else’s TBR pile?

Whether you have 3 books waiting to be read or a giant range of TBR (to be read) mountains in your home it is always difficult to decide what to choose next. Now i am going to make it even worse for you.

Go to and search for “TBR pile” and you will find over 50 images of other people’s TBR piles.  Can you read the titles that other people will be reading soon?  Do their covers tempt you? Will you have to go out and get your own copy?. If those piles aren’t enough then go and do the same “TBR pile” search on google images. Oh my goodness! Can there be that many books in the world.

2 Responses to “Is the grass greener on someone else’s TBR pile?”

  1. bloglily Says:

    OH NO! get behind me, TBR photos. I’m trying to get some work done here!

  2. anneholloway Says:

    mine isn’t so much a pile as a scattering.. here and there are books lying waiting for me to pass and remember them.. some are buried in the ironing pile (that is in a laundry basket underneath clothes that will never be ironed, but wait for me to wear them as they are when I’ve remembered they exist).

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